Apr 11, 2024 | Press Releases


For Immediate Release

April 11, 2024

Contact: Taylor Haulsee


WASHINGTON — Today, Speaker Mike Johnson hosted the Prime Minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida, in the U.S. Capitol. Prior to Prime Minister Kishida’s address to a Joint Meeting of Congress, the two leaders met individually and then with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and Democrat Leader Hakeem Jeffries.


During their meeting, the Speaker and Prime Minister discussed their commitment to free and open trade in the Indo-Pacific, the need to counter threats to peace and security, including from Communist China, and ways to secure critical supply chains.



Speaker Johnson released the following statement after the meeting and Joint Address:


“I was honored to host Prime Minister Kishida during today’s historic address at the Capitol. It was a privilege to hear his vision for a secure and stable Indo-Pacific, and reiterate Congress’ commitment to strengthening the alliance between our two countries. The United States and Japan have spent decades working to establish and maintain peace, and we will not let tyrants disrupt the prosperity and security we all enjoy.”



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