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For Immediate Release

April 7, 2024

Contact: Taylor Haulsee


WASHINGTON — Today, Speaker Mike Johnson released the following statement marking six months since the October 7th Hamas-led terror attack in Israel.


“Six months ago today, Israelis suffered unspeakable violence and terror. The slaughter of innocent lives by Hamas will forever be etched in the memory of our Jewish brothers and sisters, and I join Americans across the country who are mourning the loss of those tragically taken on October 7th.

“Since the massacre, it’s been appalling to watch anti-Israel rhetoric and support for an unconditional cease-fire grow among Democrats in Washington, even as Hamas holds 130 Israelis and Americans hostage in Gaza.

“Unlike our Democrat colleagues, House Republicans remain clear-eyed about who the enemy in this fight is, and we will not stop working and praying until each of the hostages is returned home.

“Today, of all days, Washington must be united in our support for our great ally, Israel, as they fight for their sovereignty and right to exist. It’s time to stop lecturing Israel on how it should best defend itself and begin equipping our friend with the resources necessary to eliminate the threat of Hamas, once and for all.”

