A Future That’s

Built On Freedom

The Republican Commitment to a Freer Future



Big Tech

Make Sure Every Student Can Succeed and Give Parents a Voice

When schools shut down, teachers unions still got paid but students bore the costs. All studies show that “virtual schooling” has caused severe learning and development loss that will take years to make up. What’s worse, when parents tried to understand what their children were being taught and how their tax dollars were being spent, they weren’t just ignored—they were targeted by this Administration.


Overall confidence in public schools is now at just 28%


of progress in math and reading scores were erased in 2022

The Biden Justice Department targeted parents seeking to attend school board meetings as


Show our plan to put students’ futures first

We have a plan to put students’ futures first:


Advance the Parents’ Bill of Rights


Recover lost learning from school closures


Expand parental choice so more than a million more students can receive the education their parents know is best


Defend fairness by ensuring that only women can compete in women’s sports

The Parents Bill of Rights


Right to know what’s being taught in schools and to see reading material


Right to be heard


Right to see school budget and spending


Right to protect their child’s privacy


Right to be updated on any violent activity at school

Many parents are frustrated with their K-12 public schools… we experienced over a year of closed schools, disastrous remote learning, misspent emergency federal money, refusal to meet the needs of children with disabilities, lowered academic standards, and classrooms focused on woke agendas rather than addressing learning loss and essential academic instruction — we’re fed up.

Ginny Gentles, Advocate for School Choice

“From the classroom to school board meetings, parents demand unfettered accountability from those who are responsible for teaching their children. They are the torchbearers for their children’s education, and they are a force to be reckoned with.”

– Rep. Virginia Foxx (NC-05)

“Parents should be able to choose a curriculum for their child that fits with their values and their beliefs.”

– Rep. Julia Letlow (LA-05)

It’s crucial for the NCAA and the Biden administration to open their eyes and recognize the irrefutable damage that is being done to women’s sports and everything that Title IX was created for.
Riley Gaines, a female swimmer who was forced to compete against Lia Thomas

Achieve Longer, Healthier Lives for Americans

America is home to the best medical care in the world thanks to talented doctors and innovative treatments. But Democrats are determined to squander all these advantages by imposing a top-down, one-size-fits-all government approach from Washington that will only lead to rationed care and worse services.

U.S. life expectancy has decreased for two straight years, representing the biggest drop since 1943

The Democrats’ drug takeover scheme could lead to 135 fewer lifesaving treatments and cures


Health insurance inflation has increased premiums by 17% over the past year

Show our plan to improve health outcomes and ensure better care

We have a plan to improve health outcomes and ensure better care:


Personalize care to provide affordable options and better quality, delivered by trusted doctors and hospitals


Lower prices through transparency, choice, and competition


Invest in lifesaving cures


Improve access to telemedicine

Confront Big Tech and Demand Fairness

The age of social media promised to connect us with new people and ideas. Instead, Big Tech has tipped the scales to silence and censor those with conservative viewpoints. Worse than crystalizing an ideological echo chamber, these apps have proven to be incredibly addictive for children with potentially devastating consequences.

Children ages 8-18 years old now spend 7 1/2 hours per day on average in front of a screen


70% of Republican campaign emails go to spam on Google Mail, compared to just 10% of Democrat campaign emails

Big Tech kept election-related content from social media users no fewer than 16,007,321 times from April to June, stemming from 15 individual cases of censorship

Show our plan to rein in Big Tech

We have a plan to rein in Big Tech:


Provide greater privacy and data security protections for Americans


Equip parents with more tools to keep their kids safe online


Stop companies from putting politics ahead of people

Your platforms are my biggest fear as a parent.

I’m a mom of three school-aged kids. My husband and I are fighting the Big Tech battles in our household every day. It’s a battle for their development, a battle for their mental health, and ultimately, a battle for their safety. 

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-05) to Big Tech CEOS